Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Boyfriend cut my hair........?

He is really a good stylist and has done mine before. It was long (middle of my back) and he knows how much I love my hair. I had him cut it recently. He has always wanted me to cut it a little shorter but I never said yes, and he always did exactly what I wanted.

This time I told him to do what he thought would be pretty, (he knows how much I love my long hair). When he was doing it it felt different and he had cut it right above my shoulders. He made a cute style but it made me really mad. He says I look really georgeous, but i dont like this short hair.

What should I do about him?

Boyfriend cut my hair........?

you told him to cut it the way HE thought would look pretty, next time tell him the way you want it, dont worry tho your hair will grow back.

Boyfriend cut my hair........?

Just let it go its just hair it will grow back time you tell how you want it!

Boyfriend cut my hair........?

omg it will grow back and with him tell him what he did was very wrong blah blah blah.................

Boyfriend cut my hair........?

You can't really do much for feeling this way. That's what happened to me with my long hair. It's just that people get really attached to their hair. I remember when I cut my hair for the high school graduation picture, I felt angry and violated... LOL! You can't do much. You aked him to do antyhing that looked pretty. He did. You didn't like it and now you have to wait until it grows back. You'll learn to like it sooner or later.

Boyfriend cut my hair........?

Don't hate him. in all truth you have no right to be angry at him. You told him to cut it how he thought would be pretty and that's exactly what he did, you cut him loose and gave no boundaries.

I say, deal with it and grow it out...I cut all of my hair off about a half a year ago. it was to my ears, now its at my shoulders.

I don't like it. but it will grow back and you can experiment new styles as it gets longer, it's kind of fun. it's a good experience because now you know what it's like to have short hair, and it's good to try those things.

or you could ignore everything I said and go for the fun thing...revenge! cut his hair

Boyfriend cut my hair........?

I'd be perfectly honest w/ him and say that although you/he thinks it's cute, you are a bit bothered that he cut it so short becasue he should know by now that you had an attachment to your long hair and you feel a bit hurt

It will probably result in a fight, but it's best to air it out, otherwise you'll keep it bottled up inside you and it'll blow!

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